Give Your Gap
GiveYourGap came into being when a team of recent graduates from the University of California, San Diego decided to fill a void by creating an accessible, dynamic website that encouraged young people to work at nonprofits and social businesses during their “gap years,” and beyond. We accomplish this by precipitating personal stories and critical discourse to meaningful global development.
At NGS, we also believe that ”giving your gap” to a social good project, no matter the length of time, can be good for global development. To improve global understanding, it is imperative that Americans have first-hand experience with a multi-ethnic demographic and the issues challenging international and domestic development. Our team is here to encourage you to take a gap year so that you can learn about yourself while also making a positive impact on the world.
While the GiveYourGap team doesn’t claim to be the experts on global development, at NGS we believe that the people who can relay the best advice are those who are out in the field, working, volunteering and interning across the globe. For this reason, we will share the stories and advice that they have collected since 2010 through their Volunteer Profiles and Features on social good projects.
We hope that together we will also inspire social good projects to create space for the members of our generation who are ready and willing to give their gaps.
It is understandable if you have questions about our purpose, motives, and even logical questions such as how to navigate the site. We are here to answer all of these questions and comments, so please send us your feedback as we continue to grow. To contact GiveYourGap you can email them at;