Adventurer Communication



Amelia Roache

I facilitate the focused attention necessary to explore the group environment of diverse human experience and authentic expression toward harmonious relations and sustainable environments.

I am driven to offer support out of cultural habits in communication and relations that have kept us in a language of power “over” for thousands of years. The way we’ve been trained to listen and speak to each other and, convene toward solutions and the design of our world has kept us from the connection that nurtures trust in relations and the freedom to access diversity.

I believe that humanity has a particular creative capacity to exercise. Our human responsibility lies in how we choose to relate to each other.   We can practice transcending the training we’ve been given to cultivate a foundation of trust and arrive at solutions that will sustain us.
The quality of experience I facilitate is a harmonious collective of people authentically expressing their unique perspectives, qualities and skills toward success. My intention is to support going beyond “consensus” and arriving at the place where a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other and the opportunity to converge is acknowledged and resourced toward arriving at decisions that are clearly put into action.

Participate in un-learning cultural habits to build a new culture that insists we face ourselves and each other with new definitions of responsibility to communication and process.

Every aspect of any environment seeks to fully express itself.

Meetings, group discussions, project design and problem statements are commonly approached with an assertiveness of techniques to speak louder, over others, demand attention and expect consensus or compliance.  The purpose of the group process I facilitate is beyond the goal of decisions made by vote or similar “majority rules” stipulation. That technique often falsely suggests there has been an accomplishment of productive collaboration or success.
The communication training I offer encourages the advancement of our culture to go beyond the survival mode of domination where “power over” is the technique that perpetuates fear based decisions and resource depletion. This training invites you to step into a personal practice of developing life skills that make best use of our inherent capacity to thrive, interdependently. We remember our need to listen deeply and invest in shared, cultivated territory.

The purpose of cultivating comfort and stability is to afford taking risks. The next adventure, our next challenge is a leap of confidence and conviction honoring our livelihood. We must be able to adapt and advance. In order to collaborate toward solutions in a way that nurtures, rather than depleting our energy, we must explore in a way that utilizes the diversity of human experience as the primary resource for vibrant living. We must fully recognize each other and, engage as designers of our world. Authentic communication is a broad spectrum gift to the collective collaborative. We are multi-faceted beings motivated from a range of perspectives at any given moment.   What is so scary to us that we resist and refrain from honest expression? In these groups, the power of the collective consciousness is cultivated.

The curriculum and learning forums I design combine modalities and services selected by observing:

individual and group needs, resources, project orientation

system design, roles and responsibilities.


“To value the qualities of each life expression and be present to offer yourself authentically takes the cultivation of listeningobservation and communication skills other than what has been generally prescribed by social culture and the habit continued.” - Ameila Roache, Communications and Relations Specialist